After a comprehensive use, I discovered all the features offered by Shareit. I understood why this file-sharing software reached a vast audience, especially for some features. Here is a detailed review of my experience using Shareit:
Fast Transfer
I tried sharing a movie from my computer with my Android phone using Shareit. The fast transfer speed astonished me. The movie file was over 2GB, and it hardly took a minute to complete the transfer. Shareit is indeed remarkable for its speed. Moreover, it beats Bluetooth transfer as the transfer time is 200 times faster.
Cross-Platform Compatibility
Shareit significantly simplifies cross-platform file sharing. As I mentioned, I could share a movie from my PC with my phone without hassle. Furthermore, Shareit also works with iOS. It increases flexibility and makes file transfer between multiple platforms straightforward.
Easy to Use
Shareit has an intuitive UI that makes it easy for everyone to use. I quickly figured out the system. Using the QR code, even someone without tech experience could use Shareit. I also discovered that you can manually connect to other devices. Most importantly, the process is not complicated like other file-transferring applications.
Secure Transfer
Security is a vital concern when transferring files between two devices. Shareit has a strong security layer that prevents data leakage. Additionally, I took the liberty of examining the security system more deeply. I liked how Shareit does not leave any traces of your file transfer in the cloud. This means the file you transfer is only saved on your device or the device you sent it to.
Minor Bugs
It’s natural for applications to have bugs; what matters is how the developer takes action to fix those bugs. Similarly, I faced a few bugs while using Shareit. Sometimes, while sharing a file, I noticed that the transfer was stuck. For that, I had to cancel the transfer and redo it all over again. However, Shareit receives regular updates, and the bug will eventually be fixed.
Final Thoughts
Shareit is a magnificent file-sharing application that makes file transfer easy. Also, the most crucial factor is that it’s free. The most basic and essential features are available in the free version. Also, the file transfer speed is breakneck, and the applications' versatility makes it flexible across different types of devices and operating systems. If you are looking for a file-transferring application, I would suggest you go for Shareit.